Watercolor Technique- Behind the Scenes video

 In Behind The Scenes Art Life, Video

Wanted to share my Watercolor Technique with you, with this Behind The Scenes Video.


I work in the wet in wet technique, which means I wet my paper first, sort of painting with water.  Then I lay in my color.


Here’s a quick peek at a day in my life, of my watercolor technique in process on one of my favorite Hawaiian Tropical painting themes….sort of a brief How-To. 🙂


I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know in the comments below if you would like to see more of these videos!


Much Aloha,




Art Supplies Used:

QoR Watercolors

Prang (yes, THAT Prang from elementary school! It reacts in a cool way to my higher-grade watercolors and leaves a neat pattern behind)

Maimeri Italian Watercolors ; my current favorite set…current as in, for THREE Years! 😉

Strathmore 400 Series Watercolor Paper

Princeton Watercolor Brushes

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